Let us serve you and show you the future of our industry.
Jim and Shelly Kruse founded Copper Spring Solutions in 2013. We started the business with Jim and one employee, and have built our company based off our core values. We started on the living room floor with a job in Douglas, WY and one in Stillwater, OK and have grown into the premier drywall contractor in Northern Colorado.
With over 20 years experience in the trade, from driving the clean up truck to being the head of the organization, Jim leads the company to provide the best service available. With a lifetime in the drywall business, Shelly is the heart of the business to make sure we don’t leave the principles that guide our business. Let us serve you and show you the future of our industry.

– always tell the truth.

– have the fortitude and character to do right.

– if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right. Every job is a portrait of this company, therefore, we will do it right.

– serve your employees, customers, and community with love and grace.

– provide cutting edge practices to serve our customers.
We believe that we should serve in the community that we live and work in. Therefore, we are involved in several area charities, giving of our time, efforts, and finances to help make our community a better place. We encourage our employees to find and organization they can work with to help make a difference where we live. We actively participate with Front Range Baptist Church and Academy, Colorado Youth Outdoors, and Realities for Children.
Giving our time
Our efforts
Our finances

One of the questions we get asked frequently is how we came up with our name. We believe that this company is a labor of love for the Kruse family. One day, Jim and Shelly were sitting in the living room trying to come up with the unique name that embodies our company. It was a struggle. Right in the middle of the conversation, one of the girls walked through and asked “what about Copper Spring Construction?”
Copper Spring is the name of a street in the neighborhood. Jim and Shelly liked the name, but didn’t want to be known as a construction company. They also didn’t want to be just a drywall company as their vision is to provide multiple solutions for owners and contractors. That is how the name was born.